If the Apple was good enough for Adam...

Posted by Adrian | Posted in | Posted on 23:24

Then its good enough for me!


Nokia - your N series phones ALL SUCK GOAT.

I got sent this video ad today, for the Apple iPhone 3G and I was considering it anyway, but now... I'm in the virtual queue at the O2 store. Twice, even.

All it needs is a decent Flash player. That will come. And the camera sucks. But I can live with that. It turns out the Nokia N-Series phone camera kind of sucks, even with x mega pixels yada yada. Thats assuming it works when you want it to. And that it actually writes the file when you're done. Neither of which, in my experience, can be relied upon one little bit.

And don't even get me started on the multiple crash scenario nor the taking better than 1 minute to display SMS inbox content.

I find it interesting in a way, for years I was anti-Flash, and for years I have been anti-Apple (3 dud iPods, vendor lock-in, stinking iTunes....) but today I find myself working on the UI side almost completely in Flash, and looking forward to the day I can go Apple for my phone. I am bolstered knowing these days it is easier to side step iTunes than it used to be. NOT that I plan to side step your glorious product, Mr Jobs! No sir! Not me. ;-)

Anyway I figure, it all just goes to show its the current product offering that seals the deal.

Yesterday you sucked, but today - I'm going your way.

Adobe - Flex is the best UI tech going just now. Why didn't you do this years ago? Apple - i'm trusting you your iPhone is built better than your iPods ever were! I chewed 3 shuffles without even trying. I figure I will take better care of this baby though now I'm older and... stuff. OK I admit I have my fingers crossed just a little bit.

Oh yeah, and I find in tech it always pays to be firm, yet flexible with your opinion :-)
What way is the wind blowing today?